Monday, November 1, 2010

Classroom Management

They way each teacher maintains a productive and controlled learning environment changes from teacher to teacher. Some do so through fear, some through kindness, and others do so just by their presence in the classroom. I hope to be the latter. I plan on receiving respect from my students by showing them respect in return. I will treat them as the young adults that they are giving them freedoms and privileges to allow them to be more independent in their learning by at the same time having a clear and concise set of expectations and guidelines. I do not use the word rule there because I believe it has a negative connotation and gives an idea of control. Guidelines are something one follows to make something easier. My presence in the classroom will not be on of an authoritarian but one of a

In order to gain the respect of the students I will spend the beginning of the year getting to know them and showing them I care about them and their education. I will also let them get to know me because I feel that if the students do not know their teacher they see them simply as the teacher and nothing else. By bringing a more personal atmosphere to the classroom the students will feel more comfortable and willing to participate. Simply having the classroom as less of an institution and more of a warm welcoming place respect should come freely.

The guidelines in the class will include those of the schools policy and also some of the classroom's own making. The expectations and consequences will be clearly stated and understandable. I believe that will allow the students to know what is and isn't accepted in the classroom.

Lastly I will make my presence known by moving throughout the classroom. That will allow me to see if a student needs help with his or her work even if they are to proud to seek it out themselves. I will not be a teacher that sits behind his desk. To me the desk is a barrier between the teacher and the students and further cuts the personal atmosphere.

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